Lauener Foundation for Analytical Philosophy


Friday 22 June 2012
Bern, Switzerland

5th International Lauener Symposium on Analytical Philosophy
In Honour of Professor Hilary Putnam


Chair: Prof. Dr. Dale Jacquette (Universität Bern)

09.00-09.50 Prof. Dr. Christian Wüthrich (University of California, San Diego)
Putnam Looks at Quantum Mechanics (Again and Again) (Abstract)

Prof. Dr. Dagfinn Føllesdal (Stanford University/Universitetet i Oslo)
Twin Earth Arguments Cancelled for health reasons

10.00-10.50 Prof. Dr. Mario De Caro (Università Roma Tre)
Putnamian Naturalism (Abstract)

10.50-11.10 Coffee Break

11.10-12.00 Prof. Dr. Charles Travis (King's College London)
Overflowing Bounds (Abstract)

12.10-13.00 Prof. Dr. David Wiggins (University of Oxford)
Hilary Putnam and the Philosophy of Morality (Abstract)

13.00-15.00 Lunch Break

Chair: Prof. Dr. Alex Burri (Universität Erfurt)

15.00-15.50 Prof. Dr. Pierre Jacob (Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS, Paris)
Putnam's Naïve Realism and the Challenges from Phenomenology (Abstract)

16.00-16.30 Prof. Dr. Wilhelm K. Essler (Universität Frankfurt a. M.)
Hilary Putnam (Abstract)

16.30-17.00 Coffee Break

17.00-18.00 Prof. Dr. Hilary Putnam (Harvard University)
Perception Without Sense Data (Abstract)

18.00 End of the Symposium

Venue: Haus der Universität, Schlösslistrasse 5, Bern, Switzerland

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