Lauener Foundation for Analytical Philosophy

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Musical Welcome – Phil Stöckli (Sax), Michael Beck (Piano), Lorenz Beyeler (Bass)Dr. Michael Frauchiger, Opening of the Awards CeremonyProf. Dr. Alex Burri, Address on Behalf of the Lauener FoundationProf. Dr. Charles Travis, Laudatio for Professor Hilary PutnamPresentation of the Lauener Prize for an Outstanding Oeuvre 2012Prof. Dr. Hilary Putnam, Words of ThanksPresentation of the Lauener Prize for Up-and-Coming Philosophers 2012Prof. Dr. Christian Wüthrich, Words of ThanksProf. Dr. Christian Wüthrich and Prof. Dr. Hilary Putnam at the cocktail receptionFrauchiger, Wüthrich, Putnam, Schulthess, Travis, Essler at the cocktail receptionWilhelm Essler, Pierre Jacob, Phillida Gili, David Wiggins at the cocktail receptionProf. Dr. Rafael Ferber, Dr. Michael Frauchiger, Prof. Dr. Dale Jacquette at the cocktailProf. Dr. Christian Wüthrich
Prof. Dr. Mario De CaroProf. Dr. Charles Travis
Prof. Dr. David WigginsProf. Dr. Pierre JacobAudienceProf. Dr. Hilary Putnam