Lauener Foundation for Analytical Philosophy

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Dr. Stephan Hottinger, Vice-Presidential Address
Prof. Dr. Alan Weir, Laudatio for Dr. Stephan Leuenberger

Presentation of the Lauener Prize for Up-and-Coming Philosophers 2009 (Prof. Dr. Wilhelm K. Essler and Dr. Stephan Leuenberger
Dr. Stephan Leuenberger, Prizewinner’s Speech

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schulthess (Member of the foundation council), Conclusion of the Award Ceremony
Dr. Michael Frauchiger (Managing member of the foundation council), Dr. Stephan Leuenberger (Prizewinner 2009), Prof. Dr. Wilhelm K. Essler (President), Dr. Stephan Hottinger (Vice-President)
Dr. Stephan Leuenberger and Prof. Dr. Alan Weir
Dr. Stephan Hottinger, Prof. Dr. Peter Simons, and Prof. Dr. Wilhelm K. Essler

Cocktail Reception (Apéro), Uni Mail, Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Pascal Engel and Dr. Michael Frauchiger
Prof. Dr. Daniel Schulthess and Dr. Stephan Leuenberger
Dr. Philipp Keller, Dr. Stephan Hottinger, Dr. Stephan Leuenberger, and Dr. Michael Frauchiger