Lauener Foundation for Analytical Philosophy
Awards Ceremony
Thursday 03 September 2009
Geneva, Switzerland
Lauener Prize forUp-and-Coming Philosophers
Prizewinner 2009 Dr. Stephan Leuenberger
Cocktail Reception (Apéro)
19.00 Musical Welcome: Sandro Schneebeli (Guitar Solo)
Dr. Michael Frauchiger, Managing Member of the Foundation Council
Presidential Address
Dr. Stephan Hottinger, Vice-President of the Lauener Foundation
Musical Intermezzo (Guitar Solo)
Laudatio for Dr. Stephan Leuenberger, Lauener Prizewinner 2009
Prof. Dr. Alan Weir (University of Glasgow)
Presentation of the Lauener Prize for Up-and-Coming Philosophers 2009
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm K. Essler, President of the Lauener Foundation
Prizewinner's Speech
Dr. Stephan Leuenberger (University of Glasgow)
Musical Intermezzo (Guitar Solo)
Conclusion of the Award Ceremony
Prof. Dr. Daniel Schulthess, Member of the Foundation Council
Venue: University of Geneva, Uni Mail, Salle MR060, bd du Pont-d'Arve 40, Geneva, Switzerland